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Social Documentary Photography Show in Academic Circles of Hong Kong 2017

Campus Events

Social Documentary Photography Show in Academic Circles of Hong Kong 2017
Theme: “Home is...”

Earlier, the students from all secondary schools and tertiary institutes in Hong Kong were invited to submit their work for the Social Documentary Photography Show in Academic Circles of Hong Kong 2017, with the aim to provide a platform for the new generation to express their personal interpretation of “Home” in nowadays social context. Among over 40 pieces of the exhibits which were selected from about 500 submissions, surely, audience can find the students’ ability of observation, sense of judgment, artistic presentation and social documentary photo skill. Apart from the show, academic forum and guided tour will be held in order to have more sharing and interaction with the public.

The Photography Show
7 – 28 April 2017
10:00 - 20:00 (closed on Tuesdays)
Experience Center C002, HKDI

The Grand Opening
10 April 2017

The Academic Forum
10 April 2017
17:00 - 17:30
Topic: 以寫實記載情感 (Conducted by Cantonese)
Dr. King Cheng, Executive Committee Member of Hong Kong Journalists Association
Mr. Tse Ming Chong, Head of Department of Design Foundation Studies of HKDI

Guided Tours
For public, schools and community groups
(by advanced booking)

Registration and enquiries
3928 2953

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