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HKDI student swept Champion at Hong Kong Watch & Clock Design Competition

Architecture, Interior & Product Design

Students and graduates of Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) shone at the 35th Watch and Clock Design Competition by winning championship and two merit prizes in Student Group section. Another HKDI graduate won the Second runner-up prize in the Open Group by designing a UFO-like watch.

The theme of this year’s student group competition was “Colourful World”, encouraging local designers to use their limitless imagination to create unique watch designs. The champion Lam Yuet Wan, who graduated in HD in Jewellery & Lifestyle Product Design in HKDI last year, has recently completed the one-year top up degree programme in collaboration with SHAPE. She clinched the championship of the Student Group with her work titled “Aurora”. She loves Mother Nature and regards seeing aurora as an once-in-a-lifetime experience. The dial of her timepiece uses four coloured pyroxene crystals to create arch bridges, representing the colours of the Northern Lights. The outer glass is dome-shaped, making the wearers feel that they are overlooking the Earth from mid-air as if natural scenery is within grasp.

Yuet-wan said, “I have learnt timepiece design, 3D Drawing and skills to use rendition software and the HKDI programme laid the foundation for me in design. The bachelor’s programme thereafter enabled me to further grasp the skills of jewellery design and learn how to turn imagination into material objects.” Yuet-wan was awarded a cash prize of HK$15,000 and will be arranged to visit BASELWORLD to be held in Switzerland next year to keep abreast of the latest development of timepiece design.

Merit prizes were also awarded to this year’s HKDI students of Higher Diploma in Jewellery and Image Product Design SZETO Ling-fung and CHEUNG Yee-lam. Their works are titled “Life is a Shuttle” and “Dream Reminder” respectively.

The theme of this year’s Open Group section is “Innovative Craftsman” which requires the application of innovative concepts and technologies in traditional craftsmanship. Designer and HKDI graduate of Higher Diploma in Jewellery and Image Product Design LEE Cheuk-chung won second runner-up with his work “Space”. Hemisphere glass is used to greatly increase the capacity of the dial which is made with 3D metal printing. The unique case design moulds the watch into a UFO shape. He will attend a five-day study course in Japan next year to sharpen his skills in watch and clock design.

The annual competition was hosted by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) Hong Kong Watch & Clock Fair 2018 Organising Committee, co-organised by the Hong Kong Watch Manufacturers Association Ltd and the Federation of Hong Kong Watch Trades & Industries Ltd. The competition was divided into the Open Group and Student Group. The aim of the competition is to call on young designers to showcase their flair to the industry. About 100 entries were received and no more than ten entries were shortlisted in each group and made into real products. The winning and final entries were exhibited at the 37th Hong Kong Watch & Clock Fair held earlier.


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