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HKDI Students Swept Awards at Fur Design Competition 2014


HKDI Students Swept Awards at Fur Design Competition 2014

22 Jan 2014

HKDI students from the Fashion and Image Design Department (FID) swept 6 out of 7 awards, including the Overall Champion, Full Fur Category 1st Runner-up, Full Fur Category 2nd Runner-up, Fur Combination Category 1st Runner-up, Best Sketch Award and Commercial Award at the Fur Design Competition 2014. The theme of this year is “Great Gatsby”. HKDI student from 2nd-year Fashion Design, Yau Suet Yi, not only received the Best Sketch Award, but also won the Overall Champion and had a one-week training related to fur design at theSaga Design Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark, plus a 6-day side trip visiting a fashion capital of the winner’s choice in Europe. Her winning design is a mink coat inspired by “Mosaics”, composed of irregular patterns in dark, pale blue and white colours, and is long at the back but short in front. It will represent Hong Kong to compete in the REMIX, the International Fur Design Competition to be held in Milan.

The Fur Design Competition is organised by the Hong Kong Fur Federation. It is one of the important platforms for the local young designers to showcase their talents. HKDI students have been winning the Overall Champion for four consecutive years, demonstrating the effort that HKDI has put to cultivate professionalism and new talents for the industry.

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