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HKDI Students Designing New Staff Uniforms For Wing Lung Bank


"Design Student of The Year Award" Bestowed Upon HKDI Again

10 Jan 2014

In celebration of their 80th anniversary, Wing Lung Bank invited HKDI students to participate in the Wing Lung Bank Uniform Design Competition. Fashion Image Design students from HKDI designed a series of new staff uniform for Wing Lung Bank with their creative and vibrant ideas. There were 6 categories of staff uniform, including Front Desk Teller (Men & Women), Wealth Management Executive, Sportswear, T shirt and the Tea Lady as well. The winning outfits adopted the corporate colours of Wing Lung Bank, reinforcing the corporate image of Wing Lung Bank. They will be launched in mid-2014 as the bank’s new uniform to celebrate its 80th anniversary. The Prize Presentation Ceremony and mini show took place at the top floor of the Wing Lung Bank Building in December 2013. The models' hair and makeup for the mini show were created by the Fashion Image students studying "Hair and Makeup Styling", supervised by the make-up tutor, Cecilia Pritchard.

Wing Lung Bank was glad to provide a platform for young talents to showcase their creativity. HKDI has also been communicating closely with various industries to provide more opportunities for HKDI students to put their design knowledge and ideas into practice.

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