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Interactive Media Installation Design by HKDI Students Won the 19th ifva Awards


Interactive Media Installation Design by HKDI Students Won the 19th ifva Awards

13 Mar 2014

Having observed the recent turbulence in Hong Kong society, 4 HKDI graduates researched and collected relevant data, and created their final year project titled "Integrated Branching City", which won the Silver Award under the category of Interactive Media at The 19th ifva Awards 2013/2014. Fung Wing Lam, Choi Ka Man, Kwok Wan Ting and Ngai Po Yiu, graduates of HKDI Creative Media programme, integrated the data of participants" brain waves with the current city through their interactive media installation, deriving a unique silhouette for the city and transforming into harmonious tunes for a music box, communicating the idea of "City of Harmony".

When the participants put on the brain wave sensors, the system will derive colours of red, yellow and blue from the high, medium and low levels of concentration of the participants respectively, combining the data of current city to comprise various city silhouettes. The music box with eight different pitches from high to low can play the new songs according to the concentration levels of the participants. "Each song and city silhouette generated from individual participant"s brain wave is unique, same as the different views and voices in our society. By showcasing different people's uniqueness, we hope to bring out the possibility of "unity in diversity" to the public." Ngai Po Yiu said.

The winning design works will be showcased at the HKDI's annual design show "Emerging Design Talents 2014: New Voices" in June 2014. In addition, the winning students have been invited to participate in Pure Art Foundation to display their works at its annual exhibition, held on 16-17 May 2014. They will continue participating in different multimedia competitions in the region and keep promoting "City of Harmony" to the world.

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