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George Nelson X HKDI Students from Department of Fashion and Image Design – Flash Mob Catwalk Show


George Nelson X HKDI Students from
Department of Fashion and Image Design –
Flash Mob Catwalk Show

30 Apr 2014

In line with George Nelson: Architect, Writer, Designer, Teacher exhibition, twelve HKDI students from the Department of Fashion and Image Design students were invited to perform in a Flash Mob Catwalk Show with 1950s fashion and image style on the busy streets of Causeway Bay and Tsim Sha Tsui on 26 April 2014. Many passers-by stopped and cheered for the students, who creatively designed their own outfits and courageously present them in the Catwalk show for enthusiastic audience. This interactive and dynamic activity not only gave fun to the general public, but also provided an opportunity for the public to know more about George Nelson, as an American industrial designer and one of the founders of American Modernism.

Flash Mob Catwalk Show Video »
Exhibition Website »

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