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2022-CDSS at Centrestage

Campus Events
CDSS at Centrestage
CDSS: Booth 1C-B01
CDSS will promote and market the products and brands designed by HKDI students and alumni. Visitors will be able to see and purchase students’ and alumni’s works from the Fashion Design, Product Design, and Jewellery Design programmes.
See you tomorrow
Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Show Date:
9 - 11 Sept 2022 (Fri to Sun)
Opening hours:
10:00 am –7:00pm 9 Sept 2022 (Fri);
10:00 am - 6:00pm 10- 11 Sept 2022 (Sat – Sun)

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HKDI DESIS Lab X LRC HKMiX Series: Local Wood Exhibition