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DesignAge HK Club by HKDI DESIS Lab


DesignAge HK Club by HKDI DESIS Lab

4 Jul 2014

HKDI DESIS Lab for Social Design Research has been organising various activities and research projects to encourage public exploration on the meaning of life and to come up with positive ways to deal with death-related issues. The DESIS Lab recently launched the DesignAge HK Club (老嘢設計會) at the Retiree and Senior Fair from 1st to 3rd July 2014 at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. The event provided a platform for the elderly to think beyond tradition and design their own lifestyles. Through the event, HKDI DESIS Lab hopes that the public can understand more about the elderly and their traditional living styles.

HKDI DESIS Lab built a design hut at the exhibition booth which encouraged three participatory design exercises: Open Bag - Design Your Own Bag; Open Meal - Design Your Own Meal and Open Diamond - Design Your Dying Matters. The elderly participants designed their own bags, meals and “Cremation Diamonds”, which are supposed to be made from their own cremated ashes when they pass away. They could also write down their last wishes on bookmarks, so as to encourage the elderly to talk about death in a positive manner. This unique activity attracted more than 200 elderly participants. HKDI DESIS Lab expected the communication between young people and the elderly during the design process can help to enhance inter-generation relationships in the city.

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2014-07-09 Cultural Connections

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