Welcome Speech

Dear Students,

Welcome to the Department of Architecture, Interior and Product Design, Hong Kong Design Institute! Owing to the COVID-19, I cannot welcome you in person this year at the campus. However, through today’s digital technologies, we can still be connected in different ways!

Our department offered a wide range of programmes which are related to 3-dimensional and spatial designs. The campus is equipped with the state-of-the-art facilities, such as 3D printers, laser cutting machine, waterjet cutting machine, 3D scanner, virtual sculpting device...etc. to support your learning. Every year, our programmes will collaborate with different companies and organizations, student will acquired authentic industrial learning experience and professional skills! There are also many exchange opportunities for our students, we had sent our students to many countries in the past including Norway, Denmark, Finland, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Australia….etc. During the pandemic, although there were restrictions on travelling, we continued to have virtual exchange with overseas universities and institutions. Furthermore, we had invited overseas scholars and professional designers to share their knowledge, skills and experience with us!

Completing the secondary education and promoting to HKDI will be a new milestone in your life, you will meet new friends here with similar dreams and goals. These new schoolmates may become your colleagues after graduation, or even become your lifetime companions! I encourage you to devote yourselves to your studies and to step out from your comfort zone, you will definitely discover a new world of creativity and innovation! If you are facing any learning difficulties, please feel free to contact the department and our colleagues are always ready to provide the support! Finally, I hope you will enjoy your study at HKDI!

Daniel Chan
Head of Department
Department of Architecture, Interior and Product Design
Hong Kong Design Institute


Orientation Information

Programme Date and Time Venue
All AIP Programmes 26 Aug 2021
9:00AM - 6:00PM