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Baltic Amber Festival (Hong Kong) 2013 Public Lecture


Baltic Amber Festival (Hong Kong) 2013 Public Lecture

Introduction to Baltic Amber, Amber Art & Jewellery
Speaker: Mr Michał Kosior, Vice-President, International Amber Association
Ms Nancy Chui, Ambassador (HK/China), International Amber Association

Design Trends
Speaker: Professor Sławomir Fijałkowski, Dean, Faculty of Architecture & Design, Gdańsk Academy of Fine Arts

Date: 13 September 2013 (Friday)
Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Venue: A001, HKDI & IVE (Lee Wai Lee), 3 King Ling Road, Tseung Kwan O, NT, HK

Michał Kosior is the current Vice-President of the International Amber Association (IAA). Founded in 1996 in Gdańsk Poland, the IAA associates amber manufacturers, traders, artists, designers, collectors of amber specimens & amber artefacts and also researchers from various scientific fields with specialties related to amber. Currently the IAA has over 200 members from 24 countries. In December 2012, the IAA appointed Nancy Chui, its Hong Kong-based member and Director of Amberozia, to be the Association’s first overseas ambassador responsible for promoting amber in Hong Kong and mainland China.

Sławomir Fijałkowski is simultaneously a prominent academic figure in the jewellery design field and an award-winning designer. Currently Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Gdańsk Academy of Fine Arts, he has taught many award-winning students, curated exhibitions, served as juror at design contests, published books and participated in over 50 designers’ presentations in Europe, Asia and the USA. His publications include: “Top Amber” for the International Amber Association, a comprehensive documentation of contemporary design in amber jewellery, and the annual “Trendbook” for the City of Gdańsk, a yearly review of the best designs from around the world and a showcase of inspired amber jewellery designs.

Conducted in English
First come first served
Registration: Ms Tse 3928 2761 (registration will end at 5pm, 12 September 2013)

Free Admission


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