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Master Lecture Series – Transmedia and Independent Filmmaking


Master Lecture Series – Transmedia and Independent Filmmaking

Speaker: Vladan Nikolic, New York based Film Director and Professor

New School film professor and award-winning filmmaker Vladan NIKOLIC will screen excerpts from his feature film ZENITH, and lecture about independent filmmaking and transmedia. ZENITH, a dystopian futuristic thriller which was made on an incredibly low budget, but included hundreds of actors, locations, multiple high-end cameras, and highly stylized production design. Accompanied by an elaborate transmedia campaign and a highly innovative distribution strategy, the film became an avant-garde and cult phenomenon, with millions of downloads online, and is noticed for its unique and original approach to storytelling, marketing and distribution.

The project has been praised as “A visually stunning Art-house Blade Runner” (Flavorwire) and Nikolic as “Visionary writer-director” by the Los Angeles Times. Based on ZENITH, Professor NIKOLIC will talk about independent and low-budget filmmaking strategies, as well as new storytelling, marketing and distribution techniques.


Date: 19 January 2015 (Monday)
Time: 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre LW003, HKDI & IVE (Lee Wai Lee)
Language: English (simultaneous interpretation not provided)

For registration, please contact Mr. Wingate Chan at 3928 2770 / yushingchan@vtc.edu.hk.


Master Lecture Series – Between Art and Design


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