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HKDI Creative Media Students Won 2 Best Awards At Hong Kong Comic Camp


HKDI Creative Media Students Won 2 Best Awards At Hong Kong Comic Camp

3 Sep 2013

The Hong Kong Comic Camp, organised by Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Association, was held from June to August 2013 to provide training for around 60 participants with practical skills in comics creation. 11 students from HKDI Creative Media Programme finally won all the 2 Best Awards with their creative talent. The 2 HKDI awarded teams will be sent to Taiwan for cultural exchange in September 2013. They will join “Comic Nova原創作品交流會” and visit the local comic enterprises and publishing companies for better understanding the glance and development of the comic industry in Taiwan. It fostered cultural exchange between Taiwan and Hong Kong. On 25th and 26th August 2013, HKDI teams were invited to attend the “Comic World Hong Kong 34” to communicate with the fans of local comic, as well as to distribute the booklet collecting all participants’ comic works.

The Project aims to encourage creative comics works and to promote cultural exchange among the young talents in the comics industry of Hong Kong, Guangdong, Macau, and Taiwan. Participants gained much knowledge about the comic industry in the Greater China, which enable them to contribute their skills and talents in local comic area and even across the 4 countries.

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