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"Design Student of The Year Award" Bestowed Upon HKDI Again


"Design Student of The Year Award" Bestowed Upon HKDI Again

11 Oct 2013

HKDI Fashion Design student Angus Tsui was recently awarded "Design Student of The Year 2013" by Hong Kong Designers Association, as a token of appreciation for his outstanding performance in fashion design. This was the third time that HKDI student received the Award.

"Design Student of The Year" is a renowned annual competition in the Design industry. This year, Angus is among the two winners out of 50 competitors from the 17 Design institutions in Hong Kong, which was evident of his creative talents. His winning works "Xenomorph" was inspired by the movie Alien, making use of a variety of fabrics to create a set of six-piece outfit in black. He applied the concept of "Zero-Waste" to use every scrap of fabric. Earlier on, "Xenomorph" had gained Angus the Overall Champion at the Fashion Show of "Searching…Becoming – Emerging Design Talents 2013", annual design show of HKDI and IVE (Lee Wai Lee). In addition, Angus has been actively participating in a lot of fashion show, design projects, competitions and internship programmes, to gain experience and hone his design skills. He was excited to attain the Award and would keep up his good work towards the goal to become a fashion designer.

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