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HKDI Students Won Certificate of Excellence at Perspective Awards 2013


HKDI Students Won Certificate of Excellence at Perspective Awards 2013

13 Dec 2013

Two HKDI students from Interior Design won Certificate of Excellence under Category of Interior Design in the Student Group at the Perspective Awards 2013, one of Hong Kong's most pre-eminent awards to acknowledge both professional and student achievements in architecture, interior design and product design, in this record-breaking year in terms of entries. The ‘Oscars’-style presentation ceremony was successfully held in November 2013 at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

One of the Certificate of Excellence went to Winnie Chan, HKDI student, with her design entitled Lost and Found, an interior design for a creative centre based at Hong Kong Central Market with interiors designed to function as a “creative journey”. Lost represents the withering away of our living heritage and vernacular intelligence; while Found refers to the rediscovery and homage to both by the young designers and creative minds.

Another HKDI student, Trisica Nip, also won the Certificate of Excellence with the design Studary, a combination of studio and library, a platform for design students to nurture peer learning, operations and fresh ideas. Zhi shu shi mo (知書識墨) is a Chinese phrase: zhi shu (知書) means to know and understand the classic books; while shi mo (識墨) means to acquire knowledge (mo means ink). A library is a place for people to think and be inspired, so based on the notion of zhi shu shi mo, ink was chosen as the concept of Studary.

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