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HKDI Collaborates with the Fashion Industry to Showcase the Talents of Students of Fashion and Image Design


HKDI Collaborates with the Fashion Industry to Showcase the Talents of Students of Fashion and Image Design

10 Oct 2014

HKDI has developed a strong connection with the design industry in order to let our students obtain the latest information on market trend. The Fashion and Image Design Department of HKDI is very enthusiastic in offering students with various opportunities to demonstrate their creativities and apply what they have learned into practice.

Recently, HKDI students of Fashion and Image Design participated in the Style Reform Competition co-organized by HKDI and Imagine X – Asia’s top distributor, retailer and brand management firm. Students of Fashion Image Design (Styling and Photography) were requested to re-design fashion items provided by Imagine X. The best designs were selected and presented by models to the jury panel for final assessment. Members of the jury panel include renowned costume designer Ms. Miggy Cheng, General Manager and Commercial Director of international fashion brand Club Monaco, and Mr. Shaun Cheung, Senior Lecturer of Fashion and Image Design at HKDI. Student of HKDI, Lam Sin Ting was awarded the Champion for Creativity, while Cheung Wai Shai won the Champion for Best Commercial Value Award.

In addition, since the end of July, 18 students from the Department of Fashion and Image Design at HKDI had been invited by Weekend Upcycling Workshop (WUW) to design upcycling fashion items under the mentorship of Mr. Barney Cheng, renown fashion designer, for 15 elderlies from Fong Yock Yee Neighbourhood Elderly Centre.

On 27 September 2014, a series of upcycled couture designed by HKDI students were presented in a mini fashion show, with those elderlies being the models themselves in a catwalk show. The upcycled couture highlighted the unique beauty, characters and experiences of the elderlies at their age, and at the same time, perfectly demonstrated the implementation of sustainable design. Two months ago, HKDI students were required to meet with the elderlies, to understand the latters’ life stories and some special requirements for their garments. Then, students needed to sketch and re-design a piece of garment owned by the elderly person, and do final fitting and alternation for the elderlies.

These two activities were not only meaningful, but also valuable experiences for students to enhance their design skills and strengthen their network with the fashion industry.

Media Coverage
2014-10-01 The Sun

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